Monday, November 17, 2008

The Viking dress

So it's my first week day free of exams what do I do? I go shopping for the denim so I can start my Venetian. Well I got the denim but got called in to help mum at the store she works at. By the time I finally got home I had a headache, I thought I would start the bodice later in the night but by the time my head cleared it was getting late and I didn't want to muck up my fabric. So I decided to embroider instead. Here's some pictures of the top of my 10th Century Viking dress.

Next off I'm going to do the same blanket stitch in the same red along both edges of the straps. I am even considering doing a run of arrow stitch down the centre of the straps as well. Now all I have to do is save up for the brooches, they will be the most expensive part of the dress.

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