Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The venetian is starting to look like a dress

On sunday I went to my friends place where I have been working on my venetian. I was there to put the boning in and start the skirt. Tragicly the pocket I had created with the gold braid was too wide. I had to unpick both sides of the braid on the front and re sew it. The first side went fine but I gave up trying to put the other side on after 5 failed attempt where I had to unpick the braid each time. The machine I was using has a dodgy foot peddel so it is either off or going really fast (to fast for me) I got the braid on straight first time with my machine at home later. After this we cutout the skirt, overlocked it and Liza sewed the wool band in while I unpicked the braid on the bodice. Then it was time for the Baronial meeting.

During the baronial meeting on sunday I started pining the skirt onto the dress.I messed up the center on one side and had to unpin it all and start again. After ages I finailly got it right and started sewing the skirt slowly and painfully on.

Below: The skirt pined and ready to be attached.
This is the skirt partially attached after the meeting; I only got maybe a quater of a way through actually sewing it on during the meeting. The meeting went for three hours but I wasn't sewing the whole time. Below is also a photo to demonstrate just how many pins where holding the pleats in place.

After many hours this is the result of the skirt. The skirt is attached after alot of sweat and blood; actually it was more blood then I normally draw (kept jabing the needle into my finger).
Below: the dress hanging with the skirt attached. Next up is closing the front of the skirt, heaming the skirt, creating the sleaves then starting on the partlet and bottom part of the sleaves. The sleaves will be in two piece; puffy pieces attached to the bodice and lower full section which lace to the bottow of the puffy section of the sleaves. This means if it's really hot I can leave off the full section of the sleave but still have part of the sleave on.

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