Wednesday, November 25, 2009

$2 Christmas hanger

So I still have not gotten around to doing any SCA arts and science stuff; I still have a growing list of things I want to make though.

Over the last three days I've been playing with a $2 counted cross stitch christmas tree hanger that mum brought for me. It isn't perfect but I'm probably the only one who'll pick up on the mistakes. I have a newish baby cousin (7weeks old) so I added 09 Liam to the bottom of the hanger and will give it to his mum for him to keep. The back got a little messy with all the backstitch all over the place so I copied the idea from the bookmark I did ages ago and stitched a piece of craft felt on the back to hide it and hopefully increase it's life span.

Last holidays I spent the majority of my time making a scarf. I've started working on it again and here it is. Who knows wher it is from? :) It still has a long way to go.