Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mundane Creativness

So I finished my dress and the event went great. So what do I do with my spare time now. On Friday night I unpicked two pieces of what was once curtains. From these two pieces I made two curtains one for each window in the "bungalow" aka the Shed up the back. Here is one of them; looks much better than the towels that have been pegged over the windows for years.

So what to do Monday? I dont have uni on a Monday so I was home all day. Mum had told me she was sick of seeing the cushion on my bed that my grandmother gave me when I was little. It is a hot pink Barbie cushion that looks really out of place. My curtains were made for my room and I had a small off cut that was just not wide enough for the cushion. However last year I made a blue spanish dress; the blue was close enought to look ok.
Here is the finished project. I tried to make it like a pillow case withouth a zip of buttons but it wouldn't sit closed so I attached two press studs to the back to hold it closed. I am really pleased with it and it looks much better in my room now.


Ysambart said...

No love for the hot pink :) Phtt, who has taste? Not me...

Unknown said...

A hot pink cushion with barbie all over it looks out of place in my room now. Most of the little girls stuff is gone only the bear hat hanger and the shiny unicorn print are still in here.